Doyles Creek Landcare Group

The Doyles Creek community has come together to help save Doyles Creek from Invasive weeds and erosion. Through a planned program of weed remediation, ongoing maintenance, stock control and native revegetation, we plan to restore Doyles Creek to a healthy waterway and encourge the return of native fauna and the healthy growth of native Flora.

Flooding is a fact of life in Australia waterways and the many years of clearing adjacent to the Doyles Creek has left the creek subsceptible to significant bank damage during flood events.

Part of our planned program is to encourage plantings of local native species to assist in bank stabilisation.

2023 native gum tree plantings on upper banks of Doyles Creek.

The NSW Local Land Services have developed some excellent tools to assist in selecting appropriate plants that are not only native to the area but provide habitats for endanged species such as the regent honeyeater(Currently an Endangered species)

Wollombi Brook Catchment Riparian Revegetation Guide

Revegetation and planting tips and tricks